A Complete Guide to Home Inspection Report

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When your home inspector completes the inspection, he will formulate a comprehensive report with all details about the condition of your home. This home inspection report contains information along with pictorial evidence about the condition of the exterior, interior, structure, and electric and plumbing systems of the building. This detailed report will help you to decide the next steps you need to take.

What Does a Home Inspection Report Looks Like

It is a common question: what exactly does a home inspection report look like? You can see some standard samples of home inspection reports published by the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI). All the formats of these reports contain the same sections of information.

The Inspection Process Includes

In the inspection process, a home inspector examines all areas of the home and identifies if the building is damaged in any way and if there are any safety concerns for the residents. Moreover, the inspector also checks the functionality of all the systems installed in the building.

 A typical inspection process covers almost every aspect of the property. A home inspector goes through each component of a building, including:

  • Structural components like the foundation, doors, windows, walls, roof, and attic
  • Interior Features like the electrical system, plumbing system, Insulations, and HVAC
  • Exterior Features like landscaping and drainage system
  • Home appliances like furnaces, water heaters, and kitchen appliances

Major Areas of a Report

A comprehensive real estate inspection report contains detailed information about the building. However, the main areas that contain the information about which you might be really interested are mentioned below:

Basic Information

    The initial part of your house inspection report encompasses basic information. It will contain the address of the home that was inspected, the estimated age of the building in years, a brief of weather conditions at the time of inspection, and the information related to the home inspector. 

    There will be a list of terms and symbols used in the report. These terms are usually the abbreviation of work status done by the home inspector throughout the property inspection.it is just like a key with a map. Some of the abbreviations and their meanings that are commonly used in house inspection reports are listed so you can have a clear understanding after reading an inspection report.

    • I = stands for Inspected. It states that the item marked was inspected
    • NI = stands for Not Inspected. The item that wasn’t inspected will be marked with NI.
    • NP = stands for Not Present. Such items will not be locatable or accessible to the home inspector.
    • S = stands for Safety Concern. The items that need immediate attention are marked for safety concerns.
    • R = stands for General Repair. Items for general repair can be repaired at any time, and there is no emergency to get them repaired.
    • D = stands for Defect. All the items that are non-functional are marked as defects.

    For an inspector, it is a must to check the weather at the time of inspection to know actual status of the building and if it rained in the past three days, as this can have an effect, along with who was present at the time of the inspection.

    Examination of Systems

      It’s the major part of a home inspection report. It is all about the examinations made by the inspector during the inspection. The inspector marks the weak spots of the property and later on the technical team can fix the issues highlighted in the report.

      Visuals of Issues

        During the inspection, your home inspector will take pictures or videos of the issues found in the building. These visuals are used in the document with a short synopsis describing the problem an inspector finds out. These photos can be used during negotiations or as a reference when hiring a specialist to fix things. So it will be easier to check the repair work with before and after images

        Analysis and Rating

          At the end of the report, the inspector enlists the issues and rates them according to their importance. The higher rating indicates that the issue needs to be taken care of as a priority. The issues with a lower rating can wait, or they can get repaired later on.

          If the report contains a higher number of urgent fixes required, then the buyer should negotiate, and if the urgent fixes are not that high, then it’s good to go. Well, this must be discussed with the real estate agents of both parties.

          Benefits of a Property Inspection Report

          The Property inspection report contains detailed information about the structural and functional systems of a building. This report is beneficial for both the seller and the buyer. The  seller can get the opportunity to fix the highlighted issues priorily and make his property worth better. On the other hand, the buyer can negotiate and may not pay extra for the home. Moreover, your home inspector can help you to understand the report. So, if you have any technical questions, feel free to communicate.